M. Matsumoto: Haiku for Solo Violin (2019)
M. Matsumoto: Haiku for Solo Violin (2019)
Composition/Performance: Manaka Matsumoto
Haiku (n. /ˈhʌɪku): A Japanese poem of seventeen syllables, in three lines of five, seven and five, traditionally evoking images of the natural world.
Haiku is an unaccompanied violin piece written in 2019 that mainly incorporates two sets: the first with five pitches, and the second one with seven. The first consists of the pitches D, E, G, A and B. The second consists of the remaining pitches from the chromatic scale, which make up the Locrian mode: C, C-sharp, D-sharp, F, F-sharp, G-sharp and A-sharp.
The piece is in three contrasting sections. The first section is a musical illustration of calligraphy, with each note like a brushstroke. The second is calm and peaceful, and must be played as if reciting a poem out loud. The third and final section is fast and fiery and incorporates microtones, as well as many sounds inspired by Japanese nature. The most notable is the call of the meimuna opalifera, a species of East Asian cicada known in Japan as the “tsuku-tsuku boshi” - it has a very distinct, percussive sound and is a sign of approaching summer.
この曲は、 俳句、即ち季語と5・7・5の3句17音を定型とする日本の短詩をイメージしています。この曲の中には二種類の音のモチーフがあり、5・7・5の定型にちなんで、一つは音が5つ、もう一つは音が7つで、両方を合わせるとちょうど西洋音楽の半音階の12音に一致します。《Haiku》は3つの部分に分かれています。最初の部分は感情的で、一音一音が書道の筆跡のようなイメージです。2つ目の部分はやや落ち着いた雰囲気で、まるで朗読を語るような曲調です。そして3つ目の部分は、急速で活発で、微分音*がたくさん使われています。繰り返される騒がしいモチーフは、夏の終わりの風物詩であるツクツクボウシの早鳴きをイメージした音色です。
Manaka Matsumoto Official Website: https://manakamusic.com
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